
Provincial Executive

  • ProvGM: RWBro Barrie Roy Mansell
  • DepProvGM: VWBro Rodney Charles Bignell
  • ProvGTreas: WBro Michael Anthony Shilan
  • ProvGSecretary: WBro Roy Alan Mitchell
  • ProvGMarshall: WBro Raymond Flowers

Visit to Court No. 8

The visit by WBro Ian Crawford KAG PGCofG ProvGMar and WBro Frank Wallace KAG PGCofG ProvGAlm, to Court No.8 which is Court is Ian’s Son WBro Rob Crawford PPrGBannerB.

The occasion of the Visit was to assist in the Instruction Ceremony for Bro Michael Edward Claxton and the Installation of Senior Warden as Court WM Bro Noel  McLachlan.

Ian carried out the Duties of WM for both ceremonies and Frank acted as Em Prior for both ceremonies.

We were well received and took the opportunity to Promote both C168 and C119, and then retired to the Local Balti house for an very enjoyable Festive Board.

The Two Main Brothers in the middle of Court Photo are the Candidate and RW Roderick J. Bradley KCAG Provincial Grand Master Province of Essex.